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Martina Endepohls-Ulpe

PD Dr. Martina Endepohls-Ulpe

Institut für Psychologie, Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, Raum: E 319

  • 0261/278 1932
  • 0261/278 1921
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Ebach, J.; Endepohls-Ulpe, M.; Ruffer, M. et al.

Pursuing a Carreer in a Technological Field: Motivating Factors and Barriers for German Students

Balahur, D.; Fadjukoff, P (Hrsg). Women and technological education: A European comparative perspective- The 10 commends for the policy makers. Alexandru Ion Cuza: University Press 2009 S. 10 - 55

Endepohls-Ulpe, Martina

Teaching gifted and talented children

Saha, L.J.; Dworkin, A.G. (Hrsg). The new Handbook of Teachers and Teaching. Volume 2. New York: Springer 2009 S. 861 - 875

Rasinen, A.; Virtanen, S.; Endepohls-Ulpe, M. et al.

Technology education for children in primary schools in Finland and Germany: different school systems, similar problems and how to overcome them.

International Journal of Technology and Design Education. Bd. 19. H. 4. 2009 S. 367 - 379

Endepohls-Ulpe, M.; Ebach, J.; J., Stahl-von Zabern

Voraussetzungen von Technikerziehung im Primarbereich

Schwarz, B.; Nenninger, P.; Jäger, R. (Hrsg). Erziehungswissenschaftliche Forschung - nachhaltige Bildung. Landau: Beiträge zur 5.DGfE- Sektionstagung "Empirische Bildungsforschung"/AEPF-KBBB 2009 S. 1 - 10

Endepohls-Ulpe, Martina

Gender stereotypes or stereotypes of giftedness - Why Teachers fail to identify gifted girls

Fortikova, J.; Raffan, J. (Hrsg). From giftedness in childhood to successfull intelligence in adulthood. Proceedings (Selected Research Papers) of the 11th. Conference of European Council for High Ability. Prague: The Centre of Giftedness 2008 S. 156 - 165

Endepohls-Ulpe, Martina

Gender, social behaviour and ability - influences on teachers' diagnoses of giftedness.

Gifted and Talented International. Bd. 1. H. 23. 2008 S. 122 - 130

Endepohls-Ulpe, Martina

Hochbegabte Mädchen in Mathematik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik - Chancen und Risiken

Ada-Lovelace Schriftenreihe. Bd. 13. Remagen: Fachhochschule Koblenz 2008 S. 1 - 31

Endepohls-Ulpe, Martina

Are troublemakers more intelligent than wallflowers? The impact of students' social behaviour on their identification as gifted

Tirri, K.; Ubani, M. (Hrsg). Holistic Education and Giftedness. Yearbook 2007 of the Department of Practical Theology. University of Helsinki: Department of Practical Theology 2007 S. 31 - 44

Endepohls-Ulpe, Martina

Begabtenförderung als Aufgabe und Herausforderung für die Pädagogik. Münstersche Gespräche zur Pädagogik

Fischer, Ch.; Ludwig, H. (Hrsg). Buchbesprechung. H. 22. Pädagogische Rundschau. 2007 S. 723 - 729

Endepohls-Ulpe, Martina

Gifted and Talented in The Early Years - Practical Activities for children aged 3 to 5

Margaret Sutherland (2005) (Hrsg). Book Review. H. 21. Gifted and Talented International. 2007 S. 78 - 80