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D meson elliptic flow in non-central Pb–Pb D meson elliptic flow in non-central Pb–Pb collisions at sqrts(s_NN) = 2.76TeV e-print Archiv. Bd. arXiv:1305.2707 [nucl-ex]. Genf, Schweiz. 2013 S. 1 - 17

Erscheinungsjahr: 2013

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Forschungsbericht)

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.102301

Volltext über DOI/URN



Azimuthally anisotropic distributions of D0, D+ and D*+ mesons were studied in the central rapidity region (|y|<0.8) in Pb-Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy sqrts(s_NN) = 2.76TeV per nucleon-nucleon collision, with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The second Fourier coefficient v2 (commonly denoted elliptic flow) was measured in the centrality class 30-50% as a function of the D meson transverse momentum pt, in the range 2-16GeV/c$. The measured v2 of D mesons is comparable in magnitude ...Azimuthally anisotropic distributions of D0, D+ and D*+ mesons were studied in the central rapidity region (|y|<0.8) in Pb-Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy sqrts(s_NN) = 2.76TeV per nucleon-nucleon collision, with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The second Fourier coefficient v2 (commonly denoted elliptic flow) was measured in the centrality class 30-50% as a function of the D meson transverse momentum pt, in the range 2-16GeV/c$. The measured v2 of D mesons is comparable in magnitude to that of light-flavour hadrons. It is positive in the range 2 < pt < 6 GeV/c with 5.7 sigma significance, based on the combination of statistical and systematic uncertainties. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Abelev, B. (Autor)
Adam, J. (Autor)
Adamová, D. (Autor)


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