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Event simulation in NA35 — Study of relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions

Nuclear Physics A. Bd. 461. H. 1-2. 1987 S. 465 - 486

Erscheinungsjahr: 1987

ISBN/ISSN: 0375-9474

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Forschungsbericht)

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1016/0375-9474(87)90507-0

Volltext über DOI/URN



The NA35 experiment is a survey study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at the SPS energies of 60 to 200 GeV/A [l], [2]. It will investigate the stopping power of the nuclear medium by recording the energy/ momentum flux distrlbmions of the electromagnetic and hadronic fractions of the &al state, as well as the v- and T+ rapidity distributions. It will look for signatures of the quark - gluon plasma formation in the high energy density region created near mid-rapidity in violent head- on collisio...The NA35 experiment is a survey study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at the SPS energies of 60 to 200 GeV/A [l], [2]. It will investigate the stopping power of the nuclear medium by recording the energy/ momentum flux distrlbmions of the electromagnetic and hadronic fractions of the &al state, as well as the v- and T+ rapidity distributions. It will look for signatures of the quark - gluon plasma formation in the high energy density region created near mid-rapidity in violent head- on collisions. In this report we will describe how event simulations have been used in the pm-run stage of the experiment. For this we will describe tirst the experimental setup, then we will discuss what we have used for event generators and detector simulation pmcedures and finally we will present some of the cases in which event simulations have been used.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Sandoval, A. (Autor)
Bamberger, A. (Autor)
Bangert, D. (Autor)


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