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Production of the ρ(770)0 meson in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 2.76 TeV e-print Archiv (Hrsg). Genf, Schweiz. 2018 S. 1 - 33

Erscheinungsjahr: 2018

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Forschungsbericht)

Sprache: Englisch



The production of the ρ(770)0 meson has been measured at mid-rapidity (|y|<0.5) in pp and centrality differential Pb-Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The particles have been reconstructed in the ρ(770)→π+π− decay channel in the transverse momentum (pT) range 0.5−11 GeV/c. A centrality dependent suppression of the ratio of the integrated yields 2ρ(770)0/(π++π−) is observed. The ratio decreases by ∼40% from pp to central Pb-Pb collisions...The production of the ρ(770)0 meson has been measured at mid-rapidity (|y|<0.5) in pp and centrality differential Pb-Pb collisions at sNN‾‾‾‾√ = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The particles have been reconstructed in the ρ(770)→π+π− decay channel in the transverse momentum (pT) range 0.5−11 GeV/c. A centrality dependent suppression of the ratio of the integrated yields 2ρ(770)0/(π++π−) is observed. The ratio decreases by ∼40% from pp to central Pb-Pb collisions. A study of the pT-differential 2ρ(770)0/(π++π−) ratio reveals that the suppression occurs at low transverse momenta, pT<2 GeV/c. At higher momentum, particle ratios measured in heavy-ion and pp collisions are consistent. The observed suppression is very similar to that previously measured for the K∗(892)0/K ratio and is consistent with EPOS3 predictions that may imply that rescattering in the hadronic phase is a dominant mechanism for the observed suppression. » weiterlesen» einklappen

  • ρ(770)0 meson
  • Pb-Pb collision
  • ALICE detector
  • Large Hadron Collider


Acharya, S. (Autor)
Acosta, F. T. (Autor)
Adolfsson, J. (Autor)


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