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Zeyd Boukhers

Dr. Zeyd Boukhers

Institute for Web Science and Technologies, Universität Koblenz

  • 0261/287-2765
  • 0000-0001-9778-9164
Curriculum Vitae

09/2017: Engineering Doctorate (Dr.-Ing) in Machine Learning & Data Science, University of Siegen

07/2011: Master of Science in Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, University of Science and Technology of Oran, Algeria.

07/2008: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of Oran, Algeria.

Since 10/2017: Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Web Science and Technology, University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz.

10/2013 - 09/2017: Research assistant with a PhD scholarship at the research group for Pattern Recognition at the University of Siegen

09/2010 - 03/2013: Lecturer at the University of Oran, Algeria

09/2009 - 09/2010: Computer Science Instructor at Microway school in Oran, Algeria