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Tobias Richter

Prof. Dr. Tobias Richter

Wirtschaft, Hochschule Trier

Schneidershof, 54293 Trier, Raum: K 206

  • 0651/8103-356
  • 0651/8103-416

Richter, Tobias

"Marketing Mix Standardisation: Preliminary Findings from the Top 500 German and British Companies"

Jahrbuch der Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC). Sydney. 1999

Momani, Faris; Richter, Tobias

Standardisation versus differentiation in European key account management : the case of the adidas-Salomon AG

Thexis : Fachzeitschrift für Marketing. Bd. 16. H. 4. St. Gallen. 1999 S. 44 - 47

Richter, Tobias

"International Marketing Standardisation: An Empirical Investigation of the Top 500 German Companies"

Artikelsammlung der Academy of International Business. London. 1998

Richter, Tobias

"Marketing Mix Standardisation: A Study of the Top 500 British and German Companies"

Jahrbuch der European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Stockholm. 1998