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Thomas  Barton

Prof. Dr. Thomas Barton

Informatik, Hochschule Worms

Erenburger Straße 19, 67549 Worms, Raum: N 318

  • 06241/509253
  • 0000-0001-6736-7040
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Graf, Marco; Barton, Thomas

Analysis of Travel Blogs Or: What Can We Learn About Traveller Behaviour From Travelogues?

Digitalization in companies. Wiesbaden: Springer 2024 S. 201 - 215

Peuker, Andreas; Barton, Thomas

Comparison of Different Keyword Extractors for an Automated Literature Review

Stephan Böhm, Sid Suntrayuth (Hrsg). Proceedings of the IWEMB 2021 and 2022: Fifth and Sixth International Workshop on Entrepreneurship, Electronic and Mobile Business. Online: PubliQation 2024 S. 143 - 156

Barton, Thomas; Müller, Christian; Seel, Christian

Digitalization in companies

Wiesbaden: Springer 2024 268 S.

Barton, Thomas; Müller, Christian

Digitalization: An Introduction

Digitalization in companies. Wiesbaden: Springer 2024 S. 3 - 6

Würth, Karsten; Barton, Thomas

Optimization of Customer Interaction in Online Wine Trade Using the Example of the VICAMPO iOS App

Digitalization in companies. Wiesbaden: Springer 2024 S. 217 - 227

Barton, Thomas; Müller, Christian

Apply Data Science

Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2023 232 S.

Barton, Thomas; Müller, Christian

Data Science: From Concept to Application

Barton, Thomas; Müller, Christian (Hrsg). Apply Data Science. Wiesbaden: Springer 2023 S. 3 - 9

Barton, Thomas; Peuker, Andreas

Extraktion und Analyse von Schlüsselwörtern für eine automatisierte Literaturauswertung zum Thema Empfehlungssysteme

HMD: Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Bd. 60. H. 6. Springer 2023 S. 1312 - 1327

Peuker, Andreas; Barton, Thomas

Recommendation Systems and the Use of Machine Learning Methods

Apply Data Science. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2023 S. 79 - 93

Barton, Thomas; Kokoev, Arthur

Text Mining in Scientific Literature Evaluation: Extraction of Keywords for Describing Content

Barton, Thomas; Müller, Christian (Hrsg). Apply Data Science. Wiesbaden: Springer 2023 S. 181 - 187