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Jens Kohler

Prof. Dr. Jens Kohler

Angewandte Informatik, Hochschule Worms

  • 0000-0003-3874-8412
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Kohler, Jens

Comparison of a FaaS- and SaaS-Based ETL Process in a Cloud Environment

6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications (CloudTech). Bd. 11. IEEE 2023 S. 49 - 56

Kohler, Jens; Alexander, Grebhan

A Serverless FaaS-Architecture: Experiences from an Implementation in the Core Banking Domain

TechRxiv. Preprint. Bd. 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2021 01

Kohler, Jens; Lorenz, Christian Richard; Gumbel, Markus et al.

A Security-By-Distribution Approach to Manage Big Data in a Federation of Untrustworthy Clouds

Cloud Security. 2016. Aufl. Kolkata, India: IGI Global 2019 S. 346 - 375

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

Towards a Secure, Distributed, and Reliable Cloud-Based Reference Architecture for Big Data in Smart Cities

Advances in Civil and Industrial Engineering. Bd. 2019. Kolkata, India: IGI Global 2019 S. 38 - 70

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

A Cloud-Based Vertical Data Distribution Approach for a Secure Data Access on Mobile Devices

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Bd. 2019. Kolkata, India: Springer Singapore 2018 S. 227 - 237

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

Hibernate ORM/OGM Performanceanalyse: Docker-basierte relationale und nicht-relationale Datenbankarchitekturen

Proc. of AKWI 2018 – Arbeitskreis Wirtschaftsinformatik an Fachhochschulen, September 2018. Hamburg, Germany. Bd. 2018. Hamburg, Germany. 2018 01

Kohler, Jens; Kern, Dominic; Specht, Thomas

Performance Evaluation of Diagonal Partitioning for Security-Aware Data Management in the Cloud

Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Management (SAM). The Steering Committee of The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing (WorldComp), 2018. Bd. 2018. Las Vegas, USA. 2018 01

Beigel, Stefan; Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas

iScaleIT – Automatische Skalierung von Webservern in der Cloud

Proc. of AKWI 2017 – Arbeitskreis Wirtschaftsinformatik an Fachhochschulen, September 2017. Aschaffenburg, Germany. Bd. 2017. Aschaffenburg, Germany. 2017 01

Kohler, Jens; Specht, Thomas; Simov, Kiril

An approach for a security and privacy-aware cloud-based storage of data in the Semantic Web

2016 First IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI). Bd. 2016. Wuhan, China: IEEE 2016 01

Werner, Stefan; Kohler, Jens; Simov, Kiril et al.

Cache Synchronization in a Vertically Distributed Cloud Database Environment

Proc. of AKWI 2016 – Arbeitskreis Wirtschaftsinformatik an Fachhochschulen, September 2016. Brandenburg, Germany. Bd. 2016. Brandenburg, Germany. 2016 01