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Measuring event-brand congruence

Event management. Bd. 15. H. 1. Elmsford, NY: Cognizant Communication Corp. 2011 S. 25 - 36

Erscheinungsjahr: 2011

ISBN/ISSN: 1525-9951 ; 1943-4308

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.3727/152599511X12990855575060

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Event-brand congruence is crucial for the success of event marketing and sponsorship. However, a number of different approaches to measure the construct have been used. Additionally, there is no agreement on the main drivers of global congruence judgments. The present research addresses these issues. Results show that measuring global congruence with either single-item or multiple-item measures leads to different results and interpretations. Semantic differentials appear to be least suited in...Event-brand congruence is crucial for the success of event marketing and sponsorship. However, a number of different approaches to measure the construct have been used. Additionally, there is no agreement on the main drivers of global congruence judgments. The present research addresses these issues. Results show that measuring global congruence with either single-item or multiple-item measures leads to different results and interpretations. Semantic differentials appear to be least suited in this respect. Regarding single-items measures, reasons pro and con their use are identified. Moreover, results show that image-based, functional-based, and user-based congruence should be considered jointly as important antecedents of global event-brand congruence. Measuring Event-Brand Congruence (PDF Download Available). Available from: (accessed Nov 17 2017).» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Congruence
  • Event marketing
  • Event sponsorship


Jahn, Steffen (Autor)
Zanger, Cornelia (Autor)


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