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Leichner, Nikolas; Peter, Johannes; Mayer, Anne-Kathrin et al.

Erfassung von Wissen über Informationsrecherchen: Konzeptuelle Überlegungen und empirische Befunde

BIT online : Bibliothek, Information, Technologie ; Zeitschrift für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft. Bd. 16. H. 4. Wiesbaden: Dinges & Frick 2013 S. 289 - 306

Walther, Eva

Evaluative Konditionierung

Wirtz, Markus Antonius (Hrsg). Dorsch Lexikon der Psychologie. 16. Aufl. Aufl. Bern: Huber 2013 S. 860

Schüler, Julia; Brandstätter, Veronika; Baumann, Nicola

Failure cue priming and impaired cognitive performance : analyses of avoidance motivation as a mediator and fear of failure as a moderator

European journal of social psychology. Bd. 43. H. 5. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell 2013 S. 335 - 343

Konradt, Udo; Warsza, Tim; Ellwart, Thomas

Fairness Perceptions in Web-based Selection: Impact on Applicants’ Pursuit Intentions, Recommendation Intentions and Intentions to Reapply

International Journal of Selection and Assessment (IJSA). Bd. 21. H. 2. Oxford: Blackwell 2013 S. 155 - 169

Schilling, Thomas M.; Koelsch, Monika; Larra, Mauro F. et al.

For whom the bell (curve) tolls: Cortisol rapidly affects memory retrieval by an inverted U-shaped dose-response relationship

PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Bd. 38. H. 9. 2013 S. 1565 - 1572

Gassert, Franz; Schulte, Ulrich; Husemann, Martin et al.

From southern refugia to the northern range margin: genetic population structure of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis

JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY. Bd. 40. H. 8. 2013 S. 1475 - 1489

Vogl, K.; Preckel, F.

Full-Time Ability Grouping of Gifted Students: Impacts on Social Self-Concept and School-Related Attitudes

Gifted Child Quarterly. Bd. 58. H. 1. SAGE Publications 2013 S. 51 - 68

Kozlik, Julia; Neumann, Roland

Gaining the upper hand: Comparison of alphabetic and keyboard positions as spatial features of letters producing distinct S-R compatibility effects.

Acta Psychologica. Bd. 144. H. 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2013 S. 51 - 60

Brunner, Martin; Gogol, Katarzyna Marta; Sonnleitner, Philipp et al.

Gender differences in the mean level, variability, and profile shape of student achievement: Results from 41 countries

Intelligence. Bd. 41. H. 5. Elsevier BV 2013 S. 378 - 395

Lee, S Hong; Ripke, Stephan; Neale, Benjamin M et al.

Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs.

Nature genetics. Bd. 45. H. 9. 2013 S. 984 - 94