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Using GXL for exchanging business process models

Information Systems and e-Business Management. Bd. 4. H. 3. Springer 2005 S. 285 - 307

Erscheinungsjahr: 2005

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1007/s10257-005-0027-0

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The graph exchange language (GXL) is an XML-based standard exchange language for sharing graph data between tools. GXL can be customized to exchange application specific types of graphs. This is done by exchanging both, the instance graph, representing the data itself, and the schema, representing the graph structure. Business process models are usually depicted in a graph-like form. This paper describes a novel application of GXL to the exchange of business process models. It is shown, how t...The graph exchange language (GXL) is an XML-based standard exchange language for sharing graph data between tools. GXL can be customized to exchange application specific types of graphs. This is done by exchanging both, the instance graph, representing the data itself, and the schema, representing the graph structure. Business process models are usually depicted in a graph-like form. This paper describes a novel application of GXL to the exchange of business process models. It is shown, how to customize GXL to exchange business process models depicted as Event-driven Process Chains and Workflow nets as examples for the control flow part of business process models. Each level of modeling is exemplarily demonstrated from the metaschemas down to instances of graphs.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Winter, Andreas (Autor)


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Carlo Simon