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Hackathon Handwerk

Laufzeit: 01.06.2018 - 31.03.2019

Partner: Kompetenzzentrum Digitales Handwerk

Förderung durch: Handwerkskammer Koblenz - Kompetenzzentrum Digitales Handwerk



The digitisation agenda and the Internet of Things (IoT) are topics of considerable interest to organisations, governments and researchers. The field of IoT is rapidly changing, what seems like an innovation today may be a business necessity of tomorrow. Failing to keep up or to make technology decisions and investments today can have a serious impact on the business of tomorrow. This requires organisations to be future-oriented. A key characteristic of IoT is its role in bringing the...

The digitisation agenda and the Internet of Things (IoT) are topics of considerable interest to organisations, governments and researchers. The field of IoT is rapidly changing, what seems like an innovation today may be a business necessity of tomorrow. Failing to keep up or to make technology decisions and investments today can have a serious impact on the business of tomorrow. This requires organisations to be future-oriented. A key characteristic of IoT is its role in bringing the physical world and the digital world together. This makes it especially interesting to the many organisations in the skilled crafts sector who provide goods and services based on physical things. Two of the key challenges for these organisations are i) to assess the potential that IoT can bring to their industry/company and to then, and ii) to develop the capability to deliver appropriate solutions. The project Hackathon Handwerk aims to assist skilled craftsmen in assessing the value of IoT to their business and developing the skills and capability to deploy IoT appropriately. This project is jointly organised by the Enterprise of Things Lab at the University of Koblenz (EIM research group) and the Handwerkskammer Koblenz and builds on the previous joint project Digitales Handwerk. One key deliverable of this project is the Handwerk Hackathon workshop, where techniques that help skilled trades companies to recognise the opportunities and risks of digitalisation are presented and employed by the participating skilled craftsmen. Also, the participants can learn to interactively exploit the identified opportunities through the development of digitalised products and services. For this, examples from current IoT research and development by the EIM research group are presented. Hackathon Handwerk enables the testing of acquired techniques on the basis of an infrastructure provided by the Handwerkskammer Koblenz and the Enterprise o Things lab: ”The Things Network Koblenz”. In this way, this project is to reveal valuable insights into the IoT readiness of craft companies and development of IoT solutions.
Nitschke, P.: Digitalisierung - Internet der Dinge: Chancen & Veränderungen, Drivers & Barriers, Hackathon Handwerk, Koblenz, 26.07.2018

Nitschke, P.: Wert und Nutzen von IoT-Lösungen richtig einordnen, Hackathon Handwerk, Koblenz, 26.07.2018

Nitschke, P.: Evaluation von IoT-Ideen: Lösungen und Projekte, Hackathon Handwerk, Koblenz , 27.07.2018
In the press

  • - Hackathon Handwerk
  • So kommen Handwerker ins Internet der Dinge (german)
  • Diese Handwerker erobern das Internet der Dinge! (german)
  • Hackathon Handwerk: Teilnehmer stellen sich dem digitalen Wandel
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