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Mittelstand 4.0 - Digitales Handwerk

Laufzeit: 01.03.2016 - 28.02.2018

Förderung durch: Handwerkskammer Koblenz - Kompetenzzentrum Digitales Handwerk



The development and use of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions within large enterprises has increased significantly in recent years. However, whilst small and medium-sized enterprises may also utilise and benefit from these technological developments, they are not always able to seize the opportunities IoT can bring about for their company. In cooperation with HUEBINET Informationsmanagement and the Handwerkskammer Koblenz, the project “Mittelstand 4.0 - Digitales Handwerk“ was initiated to...

The development and use of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions within large enterprises has increased significantly in recent years. However, whilst small and medium-sized enterprises may also utilise and benefit from these technological developments, they are not always able to seize the opportunities IoT can bring about for their company. In cooperation with HUEBINET Informationsmanagement and the Handwerkskammer Koblenz, the project “Mittelstand 4.0 - Digitales Handwerk“ was initiated to train skilled craftsperson in the area of Enterprise of Things (EoT) and introduce them to key use cases and scenarios that can be embedded in, enhance, or substitute their existing business processes to deliver new or improved business products and services. The EIM Research Group is responsible for basic research into EoT in our Enterprise of Things Lab and delivering the training workshops in cooperation with the Handwerkskammer Koblenz and HUEBINET Informationsmanagement.
Nitschke, P.: Das Internet der Dinge - Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung und wie einfache Anwendungen den Anfang machen, Nacht der Technik, Koblenz, 04.11.2017

Nitschke, P.: Digitalisierung im Handwerk, Internationale Handwerksmesse, München, 14.03.2018

Nitschke, P: Showcase: Verknüpfung von IoT mit ECS, IndustryConnect 8th Workshop, Koblenz,05.04.2018

Nitschke, P: Showcase IoT: Ein Anwendungsbeispiel zum Internet of Things (IoT) in Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS), DNUG 2018, Darmstadt, 21.06.2018
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