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M.Sc. Sina Klein

Allgemeine und Pädagogische Psychologie, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau


Klein, Sina A.; Hilbig, Benjamin E.

On the Lack of Real Consequences in Consumer Choice Research - and Its Consequences

Experimental Psychology. Bd. 66. H. 1. Hogrefe Publishing Group 2019 S. 68 - 76

Klein, Sina A.; Heck, Daniel W.; Reese, Gerhard et al.

On the relationship between Openness to Experience, political orientation, and pro-environmental behavior

Personality and Individual Differences. Bd. 138. Elsevier BV 2019 S. 344 - 348

Klein, Sina A.; Hilbig, Benjamin E.

How virtual nature experiences can promote pro-environmental behavior

Journal of Environmental Psychology. Bd. 60. Elsevier BV 2018 S. 41 - 47

Klein, Sina; Thielmann, Isabel; Hilbig, Benjamin E. et al.

Between me and we: The importance of self-profit versus social justifiability for ethical decision making.

Judgment and Decision Making. Bd. 12. Society for Judgment and Decision Making 2017 S. 563 - 571

Klein, Sina A.; Hilbig, Benjamin E.; Heck, Daniel W.

Which is the greater good? A social dilemma paradigm disentangling environmentalism and cooperation

Journal of Environmental Psychology. Bd. 53. Elsevier BV 2017 S. 40 - 49

Hilbig, Benjamin E.; Thielmann, Isabel; Klein, Sina A. et al.

The two faces of cooperation: On the unique role of HEXACO Agreeableness for forgiveness versus retaliation


Hilbig, Benjamin E.; Thielmann, Isabel; Hepp, Johanna et al.

From personality to altruistic behavior (and back): Evidence from a double-blind dictator game

Journal of Research in Personality. Bd. 55. Orlando, Fla.: Academic Press 2015 S. 46 - 50

Reinecke, Leonard; Klein, Sina A.

Game Studies und Medienpsychologie

Sachs-Hombach, Klaus (Hrsg). Game studies : aktuelle Ansätze der Computerspielforschung. Köln: von Halem Verl. 2015 S. 210 - 251

Rummel, Jan; Hepp, Johanna; Klein, Sina A. et al.

Affective state and event-based prospective memory

Cognition & Emotion. Bd. 26. H. 2. Informa UK Limited 2012 S. 351 - 361