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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf E. Streeck

FB 04 - Universitätsmedizin, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Obere Zahlbacher Str. 67, Raum: Hochhaus am Augustusplatz

  • 06131/39-33209
  • 06131/

Volpers, Christoph; Unckell, Felix; Schirmacher, Peter et al.

Binding and Internalization of Human Papillomavirus Type 33 Virus-Like Particles by Eukaryotic Cells

Journal of virology. a publication of the American Society for Microbiology. Bd. 69. H. 6. Washington, DC: ASM 1995 S. 3258 - 3264

Sapp, M.; Volpers, C.; Müller, M. et al.

Organization of the major and minor capsid proteins in human papillomavirus type 33 virus-like particles

The journal of general virology. JGV. Bd. 76. H. 9. Reading: Society for General Microbiology 1995 S. 2407 - 2412

Volpers, Christoph; Schirmacher, Peter; Streeck, Rolf E. et al.

Assembly of the Major and the Minor Capsid Protein of Human Papillomavirus Type 33 into Virus-like Particles and Tubular Structures in Insect Cells

Virology. Bd. 200. H. 2. San Diego, Calif. [u.a.]: Elsevier 1994 S. 504 - 512

Streeck, Rolf E.; Streeck, R. E.; Delpeyroux, Francis et al.

A poliovirus neutralization epitope expressed on hybrid hepatitis B surface antigen particles

Science. Bd. Science. 1986 S. 472-475

Streeck, Rolf E.; Streeck, R. E.; Cole, Stewart T.

Genome organization and nucleotide sequence of human papillomavirus type 33, which is associated with cervical cancer

J. Virol. Bd. J. Virol. 1986 S. 991-995

Streeck, Rolf E.; Streeck, R. E.

Inserted sequences in bovine satellite DNAs

Science. Bd. Science. 1981 S. 443-445

Streeck, Rolf E.; Streeck, R. E.; Pöschl, Ernst

Prototype sequence of bovine 1.720 satellite DNA

J. Mol. Biol. Bd. J. Mol. Biol. 1980 S. 147-153

Streeck, Rolf E.; Streeck, R. E.; Pech, Michael et al.

Patchwork structure of a bovine satellite DNA

Cell. Bd. Cell. 1979 S. 883-893