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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Neumann

Psychologie , Universität Trier

54286 Trier, Raum: D-307

  • 0651/201-4917 (Sekr. 4927)
  • 0651/201-4926
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Kozlik, Julia; Neumann, Roland; Kunde, Wilfried

ABC Versus QWERTZ: Interference From Mismatching Sequences of Letters in the Alphabet and on the Keyboard

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Bd. 39. H. 4. 2013 S. 1085 - 1099

Kozlik, Julia; Neumann, Roland

Gaining the upper hand: Comparison of alphabetic and keyboard positions as spatial features of letters producing distinct S-R compatibility effects.

Acta Psychologica. Bd. 144. H. 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2013 S. 51 - 60

Mühlberger, Andreas; Neumann, Roland; Lozo, Ljubica et al.

Bottom-up and top-down influences of beliefs on emotional responses: fear of heights in a virtual environment.

Wiederhold, B. K. and Riva, G. (Hrsg). Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2012. Amsterdam [u.a.]: IOS Press 2012 S. 133 - 137

Neumann, Roland; Lozo, Ljubica

Priming the Activation of Fear and Disgust: Evidence for Semantic Processing

Emotion. Bd. 12. H. 2. Washington, DC: Assoc. 2012 S. 223 - 228

Kunde, Wilfried; Lozo, Ljubica; Neumann, Roland

Effect-based control of facial expressions. Evidence from action-effect compatibility.

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Bd. 10. 2011 S. 820 - 826

Belles, Stefan; Kunde, Wilfried; Neumann, Roland

Timing of sexual maturation and women’s evaluation of men.

Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Bd. 36. 2010 S. 703 - 714

Neumann, Roland

Automatische und kontrollierte Prozesse bei der Emotionsauslösung.

Stemmler, Gerhard (Hrsg). Enzyklopädie der Psychologie: Psychologie der Emotion. Göttingen [u.a.]: Hogrefe 2009 S. 130 - 165

Neumann, Roland


Strack, Fritz; Förster, Jens (Hrsg). Social cognition-The basis of human interaction. New York, NY [u.a.]: Psychology Press 2009 S. 219 - 243

Neumann, Roland; Steinhäuser, Nina; Roeder, Ute R.

How self-construal shapes emotion: Cultural differences in the feeling of pride.

Social Cognition. Bd. 27. H. 2. New York, NY [u.a.]: Guilford 2009 S. 327 - 337

Seibt, Beate; Neumann, Roland; Nussinson, Ravit et al.

Movement direction or change in distance? Self-and object-related approach–avoidance motions.

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Bd. 44. 2008 S. 713 - 720