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Dr. Rainer Spessert

FB 04 - Universitätsmedizin, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Saarstr. 19-21, Raum: 1321, Teil D, Nr. 494

  • 06131/39-3718
  • 06131/39-3719 (Sekretariat)

Spessert, R.; Hill, Gabriele; Vollrath, Lutz

In the rat pineal gland the cyclic GMP response to NO is regulated by...

Brain Research. Bd. Brain Research. 1995 S. 207-212

Spessert, Rainer; Layes, Elisabeth; Schollmayer, Andreas et al.

In the Rat Pineal Gland, but Not in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, the Amount of Constitutive Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Is Regulated by Environmental Lighting Conditions

Biochemical and biophysical research communications. BBRC. Bd. 212. H. 1. San Diego, Calif.: Elsevier 1995 S. 70 - 76

Spessert, R.; Layes, Elisabeth; Vollrath, Lutz

Adrehergic stimulation of cGMP requires...

J Neurochem. Bd. J Neurochem. 1993 S. 138-143

Spessert, R.

Vasvactive Intestinal Peptide stimulation of...

Endocrinology. Bd. Endocrinology. 1993 S. 2513-2517

Spessert, R.; Heil, Katja; Gupk, Braj B. P. et al.

Biphasic 24-hr variations in cGMP accumulation...

J Neurochem. Bd. J Neurochem. 1992 S. 2081-2086