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The cognitive and motivational meaning of contexts in the modelling process in physics education

Laufzeit: ab 09.10.2012

Förderkennzeichen: GK 1561

Förderung durch: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)



Context-based tasks have played an important role in science education over the last decades. Although there is good reason for that, there are still some unexplained disadvantages – e.g. in the use of physics models. Previous research has shown that there’s a highly significant influence of the context on the students’ performance that has remained mostly unexplained to date. We are currently evaluating the data from an initial video survey we did with a group of twenty subjects with a large...Context-based tasks have played an important role in science education over the last decades. Although there is good reason for that, there are still some unexplained disadvantages – e.g. in the use of physics models. Previous research has shown that there’s a highly significant influence of the context on the students’ performance that has remained mostly unexplained to date. We are currently evaluating the data from an initial video survey we did with a group of twenty subjects with a large variation in age and physics competencies. We hope to shed light on the way students apply models in real-life problems so future teaching instructions could help to reduce the difficulties. » weiterlesen» einklappen


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