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ColCast - Improving the high temperature performance of colloidal bonded refractory castables

Laufzeit: 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2023

Partner: Forschungsgemeinschaft Feuerfest e.V., INISMA-INstitut Interuniversitaire des Silicates, Sols et Matériaux, Mons Belgien,

Förderkennzeichen: IGF Vorhaben Nr.: 305 EN

Förderung durch: BMWK über AiF

Projektmittel (€): 276.650,64


Although economically relatively modest, the impact of the European refractory sector is strategic. Refractories are required in many process and energy industries in Europe. The demands of the user industries regarding the performance of refractory linings, in term of ability to sustain thermomechanical and thermochemical wear, continuously increase. The bonding phase of refractory monolithics plays a central role in their performance. The existing bonding solutions all show problems.
Although economically relatively modest, the impact of the European refractory sector is strategic. Refractories are required in many process and energy industries in Europe. The demands of the user industries regarding the performance of refractory linings, in term of ability to sustain thermomechanical and thermochemical wear, continuously increase. The bonding phase of refractory monolithics plays a central role in their performance. The existing bonding solutions all show problems.
This CORNET project aims to develop new colloidal bonding systems for refractory mono- lithics and improve existing one, as well as generate knowledge regarding their behav- iour at service temperature in order to extend the lifetime and performance of refractory monolithics.
Refractory monolithics using commercially available colloidal silica bonding solutions suf- fer from low mechanical performance at high temperature, primarily due to the early formation of liquid phases derived from the amorphous free silica (bonding phase). Ac- cordingly avoiding or at least controlling the formation of said liquid phases bears sub- stantial potential to enhance the high temperature performance and lifetime of linings made of colloidal bonded refractory monolithics, whilst keeping their rapid heating abil- ity. This provides a significant advantage for refractory user industries, and thus helps the European refractory producers, largely SMEs, to consolidate or even expand their market share (innovation target #1).
The research also aims at investigating alternative and innovative colloidal based bond- ing systems so that even better performing refractory solutions can be developed in the medium term. Colloidal suspensions based on alumina, silica/alumina (mullite) or mag- nesia/alumina (spinel) as an alternative to colloidal silica to enhanced the high tempera- ture performance of colloidal bonded monolithics will be developed and their perfor- mance investigates (innovation target #2).
Finally, the research shall deepen the knowledge about the high temperature thermome- chanical and thermochemical behaviour of colloidal bonded refractory monolithics so that refractory producers can rely on sound insights into the high temperature behaviour of colloidal bonded refractory monolithics as well as investigation methods to improve and develop refractory solutions with increased lifetime in the mid- to long-term (innova- tion target #3).
» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • monolitics
  • Feuerfest
  • Sol/Gel


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