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Nicole Methner

Nicole Methner

Sozial-, Umwelt- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau


Bruckmüller, S.; Steffens, M.C.; Methner, N.

Can Accepting Criticism Be an Effective Impression Management Strategy for Public Figures? A Comparison with Denials and a Counterattack

Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Bd. 42. H. 4. 2020 S. 254 - 275

Dieckmann, Janine; Steffens, Melanie C.; Methner, Nicole

Back to the roots: When diversity evokes increased group-based conventionalism

Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Bd. 21. H. 2. 2018 S. 351 - 367

Steffens, Melanie C.; Niedlich, Claudia; Kachel, Sven et al.

Impression formation of applicants differing in sexual orientation: An attempt to integrate theoretical models and a review of the empirical evidence

Earley, Frances (Hrsg). Sexual orientation: Perceptions, discrimination and acceptance. New York: Nova Science publishers 2016 S. 51 - 80

Berthold, Anne; Leicht, Carola; Methner, Nicole et al.

Seeing the world with the eyes of the outgroup — The impact of perspective taking on the prototypicality of the ingroup relative to the outgroup

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Bd. 49. H. 6. Elsevier BV 2013 S. 1034 - 1041