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The relation of flow-experience and physiological arousal under stress — Can u shape it?

Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Bd. 53. Elsevier BV 2014 S. 62 - 69

Erscheinungsjahr: 2014

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1016/j.jesp.2014.01.009

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In this study, we investigate the relationship between stress and low-experience with the help of psychophysiological arousal indicators. Whereas recent studies suggest a positive relation between flow and physiological arousal, so far nothing is known on the relation between flow and high arousal in response to a salient stressor. We here suggest that the relation of flow with sympathetic arousal and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activation follows an inverted u-curve rather than...In this study, we investigate the relationship between stress and low-experience with the help of psychophysiological arousal indicators. Whereas recent studies suggest a positive relation between flow and physiological arousal, so far nothing is known on the relation between flow and high arousal in response to a salient stressor. We here suggest that the relation of flow with sympathetic arousal and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activation follows an inverted u-curve rather than a linear function: moderate physiological arousal should facilitate flow-experience, whereas excessive physiological arousal should hinder flow. In order to experimentally stimulate high physiological arousal, we exposed 22 healthy male participants to a modified version of the Trier Social Stress Test. Then, participants had to perform a complex computer task for 60 minutes and to rate their flow-experience on the Flow Short-Scale directly after task completion. During the experiment, cortisol samples were taken every 15 minutes, and heart rate variability measures were assessed by continuous electrocardiography. We found an inverted u-shaped relationship of flow-experiencewith indices of sympathetic arousal and cortisol, whereas parasympathetic indices of heart rate control during stress were linearly and positively correlated with flow-experience. Our results suggest thatmoderate sympathetic arousal and HPA-axis activation and possibly a co-activation of both branches of the autonomic nervous system characterize task-related flowexperience.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Flow-experience, Psychophysiology, Stress, Cortisol, Heart rate variability


Peifer, Corinna (Autor)
Schulz, André (Autor)
Schächinger, Hartmut (Autor)
Antoni, Conny H. (Autor)


DDC Sachgruppe:

Verknüpfte Personen

Nicola Baumann

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