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Dr. Jens Hahn

Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstr. 1, 56070 Koblenz, Raum: G 330

  • 0261/287-2276

Hahn, Jens; Opp, Christian; Zitzer, Nina et al.

Impacts of river impoundment on dissolved heavy metals in floodplain soils of the Lahn River (Germany)

Environmental Earth Sciences. Bd. 75. H. 15. Springer Nature 2016 S. 1141 - 1154

Opp, Christian; Hahn, Jens; Zitzer, Nina et al.

Heavy Metal Concentrations in Pores and Surface Waters during the Emptying of a Small Reservoir

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection. Bd. 03. H. 10. Scientific Research Publishing, Inc, 2015 S. 66 - 72