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Heike Bradl

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Heike Bradl

Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik, Hochschule Trier

UCB, 55761 Birkenfeld

  • 06782/17-1197
  • 06782/17-1317
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  25

Bradl, Heike

Nanoeisenpartikel für die Boden- und Grundwassersanierung

8. Symposium on Natural Attenuation. Frankfurt/Main. 2006

Bradl, Heike

Heavy metal ions in the environment

Origin, Interaction and Remediation. Elsevier Amsterdam. 2005

Bradl, Heike

Transport und Retardation von Schadstoffen durch Kolloide in Grundwasser und Boden: Relevanz für NA-Prozesse

7. Symposium on Natural Attenuation. Frankfurt/Main. 2005

Bradl, Heike B.

Adsorption of heavy metal ions on soils and soils constituents

Journal of colloid and interface science. Bd. 277. H. 1. Orlando, Fla.: Elsevier 2004 S. 1 - 18

Bradl, Heike

Adsorption of heavy metal ions on clays

Marcel Dekker (Hrsg). Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science. New York. 2002 S. 373 - 384

Bradl, Heike; Broeckel, Ulrich

Separation of heavy metal hydroxides using the spherical agglomeration technique

4th World Congress on Particle Technology. Sydney, Australia. 2002

Bradl, Heike; Bottlinger, Michael; Krupp, A. et al.

Steam pressure filtration for the treatment of limey soils contaminated with aliphatic hydrocarbons

2nd Int. Containment & Remediation Technology Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. 2001

Bradl, Heike; Bradshaw, R. A.; Helmes, M. E.

Reuse of filter cake residues from titanium dioxide production

Int. Symposium GREEN 3. Berlin. 2000

Bradl, Heike

Reactive walls – a possible solution to the remediation of old landfills?

7th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium Sardinia 99. Cagliary, Italy. 1999

Bradl, Heike

Some theoretical considerations on the stability of clay suspensions

VIth Congress on Control of Particulate Processes. Fraser Island, Australia. 1999

Bradl, Heike; Jessberger, H.

Bautechnische Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung passiver Sanierungssysteme

14. Bochumer Altlasten-Seminar. Bochum. 1998 S. 103 - 111

Bradl, Heike

Colloidal interactions of precipitated Zn carbonates with clay minerals

9th Conference on Water-Rock Interaction. Taupo, New Zealand. 1998

Bradl, Heike

Passive Sanierungsverfahren für Boden- und Grundwasserkontaminationen

Beitr. Tagung Technische Mineralogie, Universität Halle. Universität Halle. 1998