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Compton scattering from the free and bound proton at backward angles above pi-threshold

Nuclear physics : A. Bd. 660. H. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier 1999 S. 232 - 245

Erscheinungsjahr: 1999

ISBN/ISSN: 1873-1554 ; 0375-9474

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1016/S0375-9474(99)00419-4

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Differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the free proton at Theta(gamma)(lab) = 130.7 degrees in the energy region from 200 MeV to 410 MeV and far quasi-free Compton scattering from the proton bound in the deuteron at Theta(gamma)(lab) = 148.8 degrees in the energy region from 200 MeV to 290 MeV have been measured. The free proton data are in agreement with dispersion-theory predictions based on standard parameters. The difference of the proton polarizabilities has been extract...Differential cross sections for Compton scattering from the free proton at Theta(gamma)(lab) = 130.7 degrees in the energy region from 200 MeV to 410 MeV and far quasi-free Compton scattering from the proton bound in the deuteron at Theta(gamma)(lab) = 148.8 degrees in the energy region from 200 MeV to 290 MeV have been measured. The free proton data are in agreement with dispersion-theory predictions based on standard parameters. The difference of the proton polarizabilities has been extracted from the quasi-free data. Our result, - = [9.1 +/- 1.7(stat + syst) +/- 1.2(mod)] x 10(-4) fm(3), is in reasonable agreement with the world average of the free proton data if the backward spin polarizability gamma(pi) is taken to be -37.6 x 10(-4) fm(4) as predicted by dispersion theory in agreement with many theoretical calculations. This implies that quasi-free Compton scattering may also be used to determine the electromagnetic polarizabilities of the neutron. No indication has been found of a recently suggested new contribution to gamma(pi). (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Wissmann, F. (Autor)
Kuhr, V. (Autor)
Jahn, Oliver (Autor)
Vorwerk, H. (Autor)
Achenbach, P. (Autor)
Ahrens, Jürgen (Autor)
Beck, Reinhard (Autor)
Camen, M. (Autor)
Caselotti, Giovanni (Autor)
Heid, Erik (Autor)
Hejny, V. (Autor)
Jennewein, Peter (Autor)
Kondratjev, R. (Autor)
Kossert, K. (Autor)
Kotulla, M. (Autor)
Krusche, B. (Autor)
Lang, Michael (Autor)
Leukel, Roman (Autor)
Levchuk, M. I. (Autor)
Lisin, V. (Autor)
Metag, V. (Autor)
Novotny, R. (Autor)
Olmos de León, Victor (Autor)
Polonski, A. (Autor)
Preobrashenskij, Ilya (Autor)
Rambo, F. (Autor)
Rosenkranz, D. (Autor)
Schilling, Ernst (Autor)
Schmidt, Axel (Autor)
Schumacher, M. (Autor)
Seitz, B. (Autor)
Siodlaczek, U. (Autor)
Ströher, H. (Autor)
Thomas, Andreas (Autor)
Walcher, Thomas (Autor)
Weiss, J. (Autor)
Wolf, M. (Autor)
Zapadtka, F. (Autor)


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