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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Frank Polzenhagen

Institut für fremdsprachliche Philologien (Fach Anglistik), Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  50

Polzenhagen, Frank; Hans-Georg, Wolf

Culture-specific conceptualisations of corruption in African English: Linguistic analyses and pragmatic applications

Sadeghpour, Marzieh ; Sharifian, Farzad (Hrsg). Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes. Singapore: Springer Nature 2021 S. 361 - 399 (Cultural Linguistics)

Polzenhagen, Frank

Family Matters: Cultural-linguistic Investigations into the Domain of Family in Indian English

Sadeghpour, Marzieh ; Sharifian, Farzad (Hrsg). Cultural Linguics and World Englishes. Singapore: Springer Singapore 2021 S. 217 - 238 (Cultural Linguistics)

Polzenhagen, Frank

Politisch korrekt, ökologisch richtig, gendergerecht, wissenschaftlich exakt. Ein Problemaufriss zu Sprachkorrekturbestrebungen

Albert, Georg ; Bluhm, Lothar ; Schiefer Ferrari, Markus (Hrsg). Political Correctness: Kultur- und sozialgeschichtliche Perspektiven. Baden-Baden: Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag 2020 S. 17 - 44 (LBKS - Landauer Beiträge zur Kultur- und Sozialgeschichte ; 4)

Lucko, Peter; Peter, Lothar; Polzenhagen, Frank et al.

A Dictionary of Indian English: With a supplement on word-formation patterns. Compiled by Uwe Carls

1. Aufl. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2017 432 S.

Polzenhagen, Frank; Frey, Sandra

Are marriages made in heaven? A cultural-linguistic case study on Indian-English matrimonials

Sharifian, Farzad (Hrsg). Advances in Cultural Linguistics. 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer 2017 S. 573 - 606 (Cultural Linguistics 1)

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank; Peters, Arne

Cultural Linguistic Contributions to World Englishes. Special issue of International Journal of Language and Culture. Volume 4, Number 2

Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2017

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank; Peters, Arne

Cultural-linguistic contributions to World Englishes: Introduction

International Journal of Language and Culture (Special issue: 'Cultural-linguistic contributions to World Englishes'). Bd. 4. H. 2. 2017 S. 121 - 126

Polzenhagen, Frank; Frey, Sandra

Indian-English matrimonial adverts: Notes on the contextualisation of a text type

International Journal of Language and Culture (Special issue: 'Cultural-linguistic contributions to World Englishes'). Bd. 4. H. 2. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2017 S. 170 - 196

Lucko, Peter; Peter, Lothar; Polzenhagen, Frank et al.


Lucko, Peter; Peter, Lothar; Polzenhagen, Frank (Hrsg). A Dictionary of Indian English: With a supplement on word-formation patterns. Compiled by Uwe Carls. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2017 S. 5 - 26

Polzenhagen, Frank

Review of: ‘Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics’ [HSK 39, de Gruyter Mouton] edited by Ewa Dąbrowska and Dagmar Divjak

Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies. Bd. 28. H. 1. 2017 S. 156 - 159

Polzenhagen, Frank

Seltsame Tempora? Eigentümliche Aspekte? Gelegentliche Gedanken zum have-Perfekt und zur be-going-to-Form aus kognitiv-funktionaler Sicht

Kersten, Saskia; Reif, Monika (Hrsg). Neuere Entwicklungen in der angewandten Grammatikforschung. 1. Aufl. Frankfurt M./Bern/Bruxelles/New York: Peter Lang 2017 S. 117 - 159 (FAL Forum Angewandte Linguistik 61)

Polzenhagen, Frank; Wolf, Hans-Georg

World Englishes and cognitive linguistics

Filppula, Markku; Klemola, Juhani; Sharma, Devyani (Hrsg). The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2017 S. 147 - 173

Polzenhagen, Frank

Review of: ‘Where Metaphors Come From: Reconsidering Context in Metaphor’ [OUP] by Zoltán Kövecses

CogLS Cognitive Linguistic Studies. Bd. 3. H. 1. 2016 S. 163 - 169

Polzenhagen, Frank; Xia, Xiaoyan

Prototypes in language and culture

Sharifian, Farzad (Hrsg). The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture. London: Routledge 2015 S. 253 - 269

Polzenhagen, Frank; Kövecses, Zoltán; Vogelbacher, Stefanie et al.

Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy

Frankfurt (Main): Peter Lang 2014 322 S.

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank

Cognitive sociolinguistics in L2-variety dictionaries of English

Pütz, Martin; Robinson, Justyna A., Reif, Monika (Hrsg). Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Social and Cultural Variation in Cognition and Language Use. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2014 S. 133 - 160 (BCT Benjamins Current Topics 59, reprint of Review of Cognitive Linguistics 10:2)

Polzenhagen, Frank; Kövecses, Zoltán; Vogelbacher, Stefanie et al.

Editors' preface

Polzenhagen, Frank; Kövecses, Zoltán; Vogelbacher, Stefanie; Kleinke, Sonja (Hrsg). Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy. Frankfurt M./New York: Peter Lang 2014 S. 7 - 13

Polzenhagen, Frank

What did 18th-century grammarians know about grammaticalisation? Notes on the early history of a current idea

Polzenhagen, Frank; Kövecses, Zoltán; Vogelbacher, Stefanie; Kleinke, Sonja (Hrsg). Cognitive Explorations into Metaphor and Metonymy. 1. Aufl. Frankfurt M./Bern/Bruxelles/New York: Peter Lang 2014 S. 225 - 238

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank

Cognitive sociolinguistics in L2-variety dictionaries of English

Review of Cognitive Linguistics [Special issue: ‘Cognitive Sociolinguistics’, edited by Martin Pütz, Justyna A. Robinson & Monika Reif]. Bd. 10. H. 2. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2012 S. 373 - 400

Polzenhagen, Frank

Some notes on the role of metaphors in scientific theorising and discourse: Examples from the language science

Kleinke, Sonja; Kövecses, Zoltán; Musolff, Andreas; Szelid, Veronica (Hrsg). Cognition and Culture: The Role of Metaphor and Metonymy. 1. Aufl. Budapest: EÖTVÖS University Press 2012 S. 113 - 132

Polzenhagen, Frank; Wolf, Hans-Georg

Investigating culture from a linguistic perspective: An exemplification with Hong Kong English

ZAA Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik [Special issue: 'Linguistics and Cultural Studies', edited by Christian Mair & Barbara Korte]. Bd. 58. H. 3. 2010 S. 281 - 301

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank

World Englishes: A cognitive sociolinguistic approach

1. Aufl. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton 2009 278 S. (ACL Applications of Cognitive Linguistics 8)

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Peter, Lothar; Polzenhagen, Frank

Editors' note

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Peter, Lothar, Polzenhagen, Frank (Hrsg). Focus on English: Linguistic Structure, Language Variation and Discursive Use. Studies in Honour of Peter Lucko. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2008 S. 13 - 17

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Peter, Lothar; Polzenhagen, Frank

Focus on English: Linguistic Structure, Language Variation and Discursive Use. Studies in honour of Peter Lucko

Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2008 270 S.

Polzenhagen, Frank; Dirven, René

Rationalist and romantic models in globalisation

Kristiansen, Gitte; Dirven, René (Hrsg). Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Language Variation, Cultural Models, Social Systems. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2008 S. 237 - 300 (CLR Cognitive Linguistics Research 39)

Polzenhagen, Frank

The so-called Tense-Aspect system of the English verb: A cognitive-functional view

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Peter, Lothar; Polzenhagen, Frank (Hrsg). Focus on English: Linguistic Structure, Language Variation and Discursive Use. Studies in Honour of Peter Lucko. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag 2008 S. 219 - 246

Dirven, René; Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank

Cognitive linguistics and cultural studies

Geeraerts, Dirk; Cuyckens, Hubert (Hrsg). The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007 S. 1203 - 1221

Dirven, René; Polzenhagen, Frank; Wolf, Hans-Georg

Cognitive linguistics, ideology, and critical discourse analysis

Geeraerts, Dirk; Cuyckens, Hubert (Hrsg). The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2007 S. 1222 - 1240

Polzenhagen, Frank

Cultural Conceptualisations in West African English: A cognitive-linguistic approach

1. Aufl. Frankfurt, M./Berlin/Bern/Bruxelles/New York: Peter Lang 2007 300 S. (Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture 69)

Polzenhagen, Frank; Wolf, Hans-Georg

Culture-specific conceptualisations of corruption in African English: Linguistic analyses and pragmatic applications

Sharifian, Farzad; Palmer, Gary (Hrsg). Applied Cultural Linguistics: Implications for Second Language Learning and Intercultural Communication. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company 2007 S. 125 - 168 (Converging Evidence in Communication and Language Research 7)

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank

Fixed expressions as manifestations of cultural conceptualizations: Examples from African varieties of English

Skandera, Paul (Hrsg). Phraseology and Culture in English. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2007 S. 399 - 435 (TiEL Topics in English Linguistics 54)

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank

Intercultural communication in English: Arguments for a cognitively-oriented approach to intercultural pragmatics

Intercultural Pragmatics. Bd. 3. H. 3. 2006 S. 285 - 322

Polzenhagen, Frank

Review of: ‘Drawing a Map of Africa: Idiom in Kenyan English’ by Paul Skandera

English World-Wide. Bd. 26. H. 1. 2005 S. 104 - 111

Wolf, Hans-Georg; Polzenhagen, Frank

Conceptual metaphor as ideological stylistic means: An exemplary analysis

Dirven, René; Frank, Roslyn; Pütz, Martin (Hrsg). Cognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideologies, Metaphors, and Meanings. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter 2003 S. 247 - 275 (CLR Cognitive Linguistics Research 24)