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Cornelius Wille

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Cornelius Wille

FB 2 - Technik, Informatik und Wirtschaft, Technische Hochschule Bingen

Berlinstr. 109, 55411 Bingen, Raum: 1-215

  • 06721/409-257
  • 06721/409-158

Wille, Cornelius; Wile, K.; Dumke, R.

A Test Procedure for Checking the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines

Antona, M.; Stephanidis, C. (Hrsg). UAHCI 2016; Antona, M.; Stephanidis, C. UAHCI 2016, Toronto, Canada, LNCS 9737 Toronto, Canada. 2016 S. 120 - 131

Wille, Cornelius; Wille, K.; Dumke, R.

Measuring the Accessability based of WCAG 2.0 Guidelines

CPS Publishing Service (Hrsg). Proc. of the IWSM Mensura 2016, Oct. 5-7, Berlin, IEEE Computer Press. Berlin. 2016

Wille, Kathrin; Dumke, Reiner; Wille, Cornelius

Benutzbarkeit und Metriken unter dem Aspekt mobiler Anwendungen

Seufert, Manfred; Ebert, Christof; Fehlmann, Thomas; Pechlivalidis, Stavros; Dumke, Reiner R. (Hrsg). Praxis der Software-Messung : Tagungsband des DASMA Software Metrik Kongresse. Aachen: Shaker 2015 S. 209 - 218

Neumann, Robert; Wilken, Joachim; Wille, Cornelius et al.

Effeciency of Scalable Rendering Based on Apache Hadoop

Seufert, Manfred; Ebert, Christof; Fehlmann, Thomas; Pechlivanidis, Stavros; Dumke, Reiner R. (Hrsg). Praxis der Software-Messung : Tagungsband des DASMA Software Metrik Kongresses / MetriKon 201, 5.-6. November 2015, Köln. Aachen: Shaker Verlag 2015 S. 231 - 240

Wille, Cornelius; Dumke, Reiner; Neumann, Robert et al.

Empirical-based extension of COSMIC

Proc.: 24th International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 9th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM/Mensura 2014). Rotterdam/Netherlands. 2014 S. 5 - 10

Wille, Cornelius; Dumke, Reiner; Schmietendorf, Andreas et al.

Handbuch der Softwareumfangsmessung und Aufwandschätzung

Berlin: Logos Verlag 2014

Wille, Cornelius; Marx, Thomas

A Mobile Prototype For Clinical Emergency Calls

Marcus, Aaron (Hrsg). Design, User Experience, and Usability. Health, Learning, Playing, Cultural, and Cross-Cultural User Experience [ Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8013]. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer 2013 S. 480 - 487

Wille, Cornelius; Schmietendorf, A.; Fiegler, A. et al.

Cosmic Functional Size Measurement of Cloud Systems

Software Measurement and the 2013 Eighth International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement. Ankara. 2013 S. 33 - 37

Wille, Cornelius; Dumke, Reiner R.; Ebert, Christof et al.

Messung und Bewertung von Software - Stand der Technik und Ausblick

Informatik-Spektrum : Organ der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Bd. 36. H. 6. Berlin, Hamburg, New York: Springer 2013 S. 508 - 519

Kunz, Martin; Braungarten, R.; Dumke, Reiner R. et al.

Towards a service-oriented measurement infrastructure

Proceedings of the 3rd Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF). Rom. 2006 S. 197 - 207