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The generalized Cauchy relation as an universal property of the amorphous state

Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings). Bd. 129. EDP Sciences 2005 S. 45 - 49

Erscheinungsjahr: 2005

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Deutsch

Doi/URN: 10.1051/jp4:2005129010

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From the structural point of view a simple Cauchy relation is not expected to hold for isotropic materials. Such a Cauchy relation would imply the reduction of independent elastic stiffness constants for the isotropic state from two to one. However, high frequency elastic data of glasses and viscous liquids show a linear transformation between the shear and the longitudinal elastic stiffness which is called a generalized Cauchy relation. It seems, that the parameters of the linear transformat...From the structural point of view a simple Cauchy relation is not expected to hold for isotropic materials. Such a Cauchy relation would imply the reduction of independent elastic stiffness constants for the isotropic state from two to one. However, high frequency elastic data of glasses and viscous liquids show a linear transformation between the shear and the longitudinal elastic stiffness which is called a generalized Cauchy relation. It seems, that the parameters of the linear transformation are related to the global and local symmetry and/or order. Brillouin investigations on the elastic stiffness coefficients of a consolidated nano-crystalline material (CeO2) and of DGEBA/SiO2 nano-composites are used in order to elucidated the role of the discrepancy between local and global symmetry and/or order. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Krüger, Jan Kristian (Autor)
Müller, Ulrich (Autor)
Bactavatchalou, Ravi (Autor)
Mainka, Julia (Autor)
Gilow, Christoph (Autor)
Possart, Wulf (Autor)
Tschöpe, Andreas (Autor)
Alnot, Patrick (Autor)
Rouxel, Didier (Autor)
Sanctuary, Roland (Autor)


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Bernd Wetzel