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Antje Bruns

Prof. Dr. Antje Bruns

Universität Trier

Curriculum Vitae

Trained as geographer (PhD Kiel), Antje's work examines political dimensions of environmental and resource governance in the context of climate change response. Antje's primary research for the past few years has been on environmental governance in coastal zones and coastal cities, whereby her theoretical interests span political ecology, environmental studies and debates over development and sustainability transformations.

Currently Antje studies energy and water security aspects on a theoretical and empircal level. Energy and water are particularly suitable to study societal relations to nature and the governance plays in structuring these relations.

Antje is holding a full professorship for Sustainable Development and Governance at Trier University where she is head of the research project WaterPower. Before she was assistant professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and a member in the Integrative Research Institute on Transformation of Human-Environment Systems (THESys).