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Nano modified antioxidants for the prevention and treatment neurodegenerative diseases (NanoX)

Laufzeit: ab 01.10.2014

Partner: Phast GmbH, Pharmasol GmbH, Prof. Dr. Frank Kirchhoff from the institute of physiology, university of Saarland Prof. Dr. Rainer H. Müller, from the institute Pharmazeutische Technologie, Biopharmazie und NutriKosmetik, university of Berlin

Förderung durch: BMBF


The aim of this project is to develop an effective nutritional supplement for preven-ting neurodegenerative diseases.Herbal substances have high antioxidant contents and studies have shown promi-sing neuroprotective potentials.Moreover, most of these natural substances have low solubility in water and consequently poor absorption in human body. In order to enhance the solubility, nanocrystals of these antioxidants are produced.


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