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Studies on the ecophysiology of locally suitable cultivars of food crops and soil fertility monitoring in the semiarid areas of SE-Kenya

Laufzeit: 01.01.1997 - 31.12.1999

Förderung durch: VW-Stiftung


Externe(r) Partner: Dr. Chris A. Shisanya (Dpt. of Geography, Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya); Dr. N. M. Gitonga (Dpt. of Botany, Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenya); Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) (Muguga, Kenya); Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI); National Dryland Farming Research Center (NDFRC); International Crops Research Institute for the semiarid Tropics (ICRISAT) (Kiboko, Kenya); RADICIN-Institut für landwirtschaftliche Bakteriologie (Iserlohn)

  • Shisanya Gitonga Kenya Forestry Research Institute KEFRI Kenya Agricultural Research Institute KARI National Dryland Farming Research Center NDFRC International Crops Research Institute for the semiarid Tropics ICRISAT RADICIN-Institut



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