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„…plötzlich gibt es das Puzzleteil…" – zur pflegefachlichen Einschätzung von Pflegebedürftigkeit im ambulanten Setting

QuPuG : Journal für qualitative Forschung in Pflege- und Gesundheitswissenschaft. Bd. 2023. H. 2. Wien: Medical Update Marketing & Media 2023 S. 14 - 23

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023

ISBN/ISSN: 2414-6889

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Deutsch



In Germany, the dimension of need of nursing care is assessed according to § 15 SGB XI. Until now, it is unclear to what extent nurses in the community themselves assess the need of nursing care, how they proceed in doing so, and which challenges are associated with this. For this social science research, a constructivist grounded theory was conducted, which is based on the theoretical stance called symbolic interactionism. As a result of theoretical sampling, 22 nurses in the community were ...In Germany, the dimension of need of nursing care is assessed according to § 15 SGB XI. Until now, it is unclear to what extent nurses in the community themselves assess the need of nursing care, how they proceed in doing so, and which challenges are associated with this. For this social science research, a constructivist grounded theory was conducted, which is based on the theoretical stance called symbolic interactionism. As a result of theoretical sampling, 22 nurses in the community were interviewed with the help of a problem-centred interview. The nursing assessment of the need of nursing care is a processual and interaction-based procedure. The phase of getting to know each other is characterised by great openness, considering the person and the household as a unit, and by looking at the person's condition. Here, the generation of trust is essential. The nursing assessment is validated and reviewed by the care provided. In an established relationship, thinking ahead of somatic and psychosocial conditions evaluates the need of nursing care. It must be discussed how the nursing assessment of the need of nursing care can be used for nursing education, nursing practice, and nursing science, and which questions are associated with this. Keywords: community nursing, care dependency as an expression, need of nursing care, professional nursing assessment, constructivist grounded theory» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Ambulante Pflege
  • Pflegebedürftigkeit
  • Pflegebedürftigkeitsbegriff
  • konstruktivistische Grounded Theory
  • pflegefachliche Einschätzung


Läpple, Miriam (Autor)
Beil-Hildebrand, Margitta (Autor)