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NanoOsMed - Innovative scaffolds/implants containing calcium polyphosphate nanoparticles for bone repair: Morphogenetic properties and risk assessment

Laufzeit: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2019


The aim of the proposed project is the development of a novel type of biocompatible, biodegradable and bioprintable chitosan-based 3D hydrogel scaffolds into which morphogenetically active amorphous calcium polyphosphate nanoparticles have been incorporated, using newly developed processing and rapid prototyping techniques. A further characteristics is that our biomaterial, in the process to be developed, has self-organizing properties. The nanoparticles incorporated into these scaffolds...The aim of the proposed project is the development of a novel type of biocompatible, biodegradable and bioprintable chitosan-based 3D hydrogel scaffolds into which morphogenetically active amorphous calcium polyphosphate nanoparticles have been incorporated, using newly developed processing and rapid prototyping techniques. A further characteristics is that our biomaterial, in the process to be developed, has self-organizing properties. The nanoparticles incorporated into these scaffolds consist of a biologically active inorganic polymer-calcium complex. In addition to the biomedical effects of these innovative hydrogel scaffolds, a risk assessment of the incorporated nanoparticles for human health and the environment will be performed. We anticipate that the new generation biomaterial-based bioscaffolds will find, in a self-accelerating way, their position in the orthopedic treatment and is aimed to improve the quality of human life.
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