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Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neural Homeostasis, Teilprojekt 06

Laufzeit: 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2016


Teilprojekt A06: Epigenetic DNA Demethylation in Adaptation and Stability Processes of the Nervous System
Epigenetic gene regulation, including DNA methylation, plays important roles in neurobiology. Despite impressive progess in epigenetics during the past decade, the reversal of DNA methylation, i.e. DNA demethylation, has remained one of the last big frontiers and very little is known about it. The molecular identity of the DNA demethylase in animal cells is controversial and has hampered...
Teilprojekt A06: Epigenetic DNA Demethylation in Adaptation and Stability Processes of the Nervous System
Epigenetic gene regulation, including DNA methylation, plays important roles in neurobiology. Despite impressive progess in epigenetics during the past decade, the reversal of DNA methylation, i.e. DNA demethylation, has remained one of the last big frontiers and very little is known about it. The molecular identity of the DNA demethylase in animal cells is controversial and has hampered progress in the field for decades. We showed that Growth Arrest and DNA Damage 45 (Gadd45) proteins are key players in active DNA demethylation, which opened new avenues in the study of this elusive process. The goal of this project is to elucidate the roles played by Gadd45 protein in stability and adaptation processes in the central nervous system.

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