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Diagnose of periapical lesions by means of conventional radiographs and cone beam computed tomography.

Laufzeit: 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2018



The actual location and dimension of a periapical lesion of endodontic origin is rather restricted by means of conventional periapical or panoramic radiographs. New radiographic diagnose possibilities are given with the introduction of cone beam computed tomography in dentistry. Periapical, panoramic and cone beam radiographs of an ex-vivo model with simulated periapical lesions of different locations and dimensions were taken under different projections. The dimension and localization of...The actual location and dimension of a periapical lesion of endodontic origin is rather restricted by means of conventional periapical or panoramic radiographs. New radiographic diagnose possibilities are given with the introduction of cone beam computed tomography in dentistry. Periapical, panoramic and cone beam radiographs of an ex-vivo model with simulated periapical lesions of different locations and dimensions were taken under different projections. The dimension and localization of these bony lesions will be compared through the evaluation of pre-calibrated 10 intra-observers. The results of this research project should help the clinician to decide if and when the election the cone beam computed tomography, as a radiological diagnosis enhancement, should be implemented.» weiterlesen» einklappen

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