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„Nanomaterial-based shaping of the microbiome" (NanoShaper )

Laufzeit: 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2023



Applications of nanoparticles (NPs) are rising in consumer products, biotechnology, and biomedicine. The human microbiome is a recently accepted (co)determinant of host physiology and disease, and as just shown by the hosting group influenced by synthetic or naturally occuring NPs. Thus, it is important to mechanistically understand the effects of NPs on the gut microbiome, response to antibiotics, gastric cancer as well as inflammatory diseases, which is still missing. In order to...Applications of nanoparticles (NPs) are rising in consumer products, biotechnology, and biomedicine. The human microbiome is a recently accepted (co)determinant of host physiology and disease, and as just shown by the hosting group influenced by synthetic or naturally occuring NPs. Thus, it is important to mechanistically understand the effects of NPs on the gut microbiome, response to antibiotics, gastric cancer as well as inflammatory diseases, which is still missing. In order to comprehensively analyse and to mechanistically understand these knowledge gaps, a tiered multidisciplinary approach from in situ to in vitro to in vivo is clearly required and the long-term goal of the proposal. The obtained knowledge will allow to rationally exploit NPs as potential therapeutics and/or food additives for shaping the microbiome in health and disease for academia and industry.» weiterlesen» einklappen

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