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Visuospatial planning skills in amblyopic persons: Results from the Gutenberg Health Study

Laufzeit: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2017


To investigate if the performance in the Tower of London Test (ToL) is associated with amblyopia

Amblyopia, also known as “lazy eye”, is the most common cause of reduced monocular (or rarely binocular) visual acuity. It is a problem of abnormal visual development in infancy with no or out of proportion to associated structural problems of the eye. Prevalence of amblyopia in the youngest decade of the GHS cohort (35 – 44 years) is 5.6%. In amblyopia, besides of reduced monocular...
To investigate if the performance in the Tower of London Test (ToL) is associated with amblyopia   
Amblyopia, also known as “lazy eye”, is the most common cause of reduced monocular (or rarely binocular) visual acuity. It is a problem of abnormal visual development in infancy with no or out of proportion to associated structural problems of the eye. Prevalence of amblyopia in the youngest decade of the GHS cohort (35 – 44 years) is 5.6%. In amblyopia, besides of reduced monocular vision also binocular function, i.e. stereo acuity is reduced. This deficit is thought to be the reason for impaired eye-hand-coordination, decreased reading velocity3 and everyday visuomotor tasks.   
The ToL is a neuropsychological test assessing planning ability with high demands on visuospatial processing6. It is yet unknown, whether minor visual impairment (as in amblyopia with reduced monocular visual acuity) does influence the performance in ToL.
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