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Effects of Lucentis (Ranibizumab) therapy on antibody repertoires against retinal antigens of patients with “wet” age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Laufzeit: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2010


Several studies report the involvement of anti-retinal autoantibodies in ocular disorders, including AMD. There are considerable hints of an immunological component in its pathogenesis. We could show a significant difference in IgG serum antibody patterns against retinal antigens between patients with “wet” AMD and healthy volunteers. These were expressed by up- and down-regulations of antigen-antibody-reactivities; including a possible loss of protective antibody functions. However, the...Several studies report the involvement of anti-retinal autoantibodies in ocular disorders, including AMD. There are considerable hints of an immunological component in its pathogenesis. We could show a significant difference in IgG serum antibody patterns against retinal antigens between patients with “wet” AMD and healthy volunteers. These were expressed by up- and down-regulations of antigen-antibody-reactivities; including a possible loss of protective antibody functions. However, the relevance of autoantibodies during the pathogenesis of AMD is still unclear.
In the proposed study we would like to analyze if there is a direct change of quality and quantity in antibody repertoires (sera) along with clinical improvement under Ranibizumab. Healthy subjects and patients with “dry” AMD will be used as controls to point out a possible shift in antibody profiles and proteomic differences between “wet” and “dry” AMD. The analyses will give evidence on up- and down-regulations of autoantibodies against retinal antigens and can give insights into the therapeutic mechanism, effectiveness and advert effects of Ranibizumab. Statistical analyses of the antigen-antibody-reactivity patterns will provide important antigens for “wet” AMD. These potential biomarkers will contribute to an early detection of the disease and might give invaluable hints for therapeutic improvement and novel therapeutic approaches.
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