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2.  Omics-based integral approach for prediction of therapeutic success in treatment of human glioblastoma. Euro Trans Bio Call 2015

Laufzeit: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018


: This project aims to generate a novel diagnostic platform enabling effective prediction of human glioblastoma treatment outcomes. Treatment with target anticancer drugs, cytostatics and other standard chemotherapy therapeutics are evaluated. The system is based on Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies processing gene expression, genomic and clinical data for individual patients. Advanced bioinformatic algorithms convert these data into individualized quantitative scores of the...: This project aims to generate a novel diagnostic platform enabling effective prediction of human glioblastoma treatment outcomes. Treatment with target anticancer drugs, cytostatics and other standard chemotherapy therapeutics are evaluated. The system is based on Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies processing gene expression, genomic and clinical data for individual patients. Advanced bioinformatic algorithms convert these data into individualized quantitative scores of the different treatment plans. We for the first time combine the advantages of NGS and bioinformatics OncoFinder technologies to create a unique diagnostic system predicting the efficiency of therapeutics for glioblastoma treatment of individual patients. The system will also screen for mutations affecting sensitivity to drug treatment, and provide a user-friendly interface for clinicians» weiterlesen» einklappen

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