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SFB 1193 "Neurobiology of resilience to stress-related mental dysfunction: from understanding mechanisms to promoting preventions" - Longitudinal determination of resilience in humans to identify mechanisms of resilience to modern-life stressors (Z03); Modelling individual differences in response to stress in mice: an approach to identify neurobiological mechanisms underlying resilience (Z02); Neuronal actin dynamics shaping resilience: the role of the novel actin-interacting protein 'downregulated in renal cancer' (DRR1) (A03); Goal pursuit despite emotional distraction: Neural-network mechanisms of emotional interference inhibition and their role for resilience (C04)

Laufzeit: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2020


Z03: The main logic of the CRC1193 revolves around the conceptualization of resilience as an outcome of a dynamic
process of adaptation that involves the activation of distinct neurobiological resilience mechanisms.Hence, the main aim of Z03 is to characterize individuals for their resilience score(s)
over time and to provide these individuals to several subprojects is the first and main goal of this project.
Z02: The overarching aim of this central project is to set the animal experimental...
Z03: The main logic of the CRC1193 revolves around the conceptualization of resilience as an outcome of a dynamic
process of adaptation that involves the activation of distinct neurobiological resilience mechanisms. Hence, the main aim of Z03 is to characterize individuals for their resilience score(s)
over time and to provide these individuals to several subprojects is the first and main goal of this project.
Z02: The overarching aim of this central project is to set the animal experimental basis of this CRC in order to promote the understanding of neurobiological mechanisms underlying resilience to stress-related mental dysfunctions at the molecular-cellular, neural-network and behavioral levels. 
A03: The potential of stress-sensitive actin-interacting proteins to govern neuronal actin dynamics places them at a commanding position in the neurobiology of stress due to their ability to translate external, environmental stimuli into persistent changes in synaptic function.
C04: Interference inhibition - the ability to suppress the processing of task-irrelevant but distracting or conflicting stimuli or thoughts or the execution of inappropriate actions or action tendencies - is fundamental for goaldirected behavior. 
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