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Crosstalk between Dendritic cells and platelets – activating signaling pathways and their impact on endothelial cell activation, atherosclerosis and thrombosis

Laufzeit: 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2014


This research proposal aims to investigate the signaling pathways linking platelets and dendritic
cells (DC). We postulate the existence of a crosstalk between these cell types comprising of
platelet-mediated activation of DC and vice versa. This crosstalk may be an important contributor
to the pathogenesis of arterial and venous thrombosis. Initially, we will identify and characterize
the activating signaling pathways between platelets and DC in a cultured DC line and in
primary DC. As a second...
This research proposal aims to investigate the signaling pathways linking platelets and dendritic
cells (DC). We postulate the existence of a crosstalk between these cell types comprising of
platelet-mediated activation of DC and vice versa. This crosstalk may be an important contributor
to the pathogenesis of arterial and venous thrombosis. Initially, we will identify and characterize
the activating signaling pathways between platelets and DC in a cultured DC line and in
primary DC. As a second step, we will investigate DC-induced immune responses in mice that
transiently lack platelets or the most relevant receptor for platelet-DC interaction, CD40. Finally,
we will assess the relevance of DC-platelet interactions for atherosclerosis and thrombosis by
investigation of the mechanisms of endothelial cell activation by activated platelets, DC or both.
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