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Tumorspezifische Immunisierung durch transkutane Impfung: Präklinische und klinische Entwicklung von Arzneiformen zur adjuvanten Therapie des Mantelzell-Karzinoms (SFB 1066/3, TP B18)

Laufzeit: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025


Aim of TP B18N  is the pharmaceutical, preclinical and clinical development of a novel nanoparticular vaccination platform for the treatment of patients with polyoma virus associated merkel cell carcinoma (PyV-MCC). Firstly, we will establish a suitable application format for our patented transcutaneous immunization method to test tolerability and efficacy in a polyoma virus induced tumor model and analyze the modes of action. Beyond this, the formal prerequisites for conduction of a...Aim of TP B18N  is the pharmaceutical, preclinical and clinical development of a novel nanoparticular vaccination platform for the treatment of patients with polyoma virus associated merkel cell carcinoma (PyV-MCC). Firstly, we will establish a suitable application format for our patented transcutaneous immunization method to test tolerability and efficacy in a polyoma virus induced tumor model and analyze the modes of action. Beyond this, the formal prerequisites for conduction of a clinical study in PyV-MCC patients will be installed.» weiterlesen» einklappen

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