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Ultrastructural and micro-chemical studies of dental hard tissues

Laufzeit: 01.01.1991 - 31.12.2010



Research Topics: Ultrastructural validation (through CLSM) of bleach passivity to enamel and dentin applied to lateral bleaching activity - results published in an original issue of Compendium Continuing Education in Dentistry; Ultrastructural validation including 3D CLSM of bleach passivity to enamel and dentin applied as conventional topical bleaching in vitro – results complimented internal microhardness evaluations. Portion of results published in original issue of Compendium Continuing...Research Topics: Ultrastructural validation (through CLSM) of bleach passivity to enamel and dentin applied to lateral bleaching activity - results published in an original issue of Compendium Continuing Education in Dentistry; Ultrastructural validation including 3D CLSM of bleach passivity to enamel and dentin applied as conventional topical bleaching in vitro – results complimented internal microhardness evaluations. Portion of results published in original issue of Compendium Continuing Education in Dentistry; SEM validation (including both SEM and VPSEM) of bleach passivity to enamel applied as conventional topical bleaching in vitro – results complimented surface microhardness evaluations. Portion of results published in abstracts at IADR/AADR meetings; SEM validation (including both SEM and VP-SEM) of bleach passivity to root dentin applied as conventional topical bleaching in vitro - results complimented surface microhardness evaluations. Portion of results published in abstracts at IADR/AADR meetings; SEM validation (including both SEM and VP-SEM) of bleach passivity to dental restorations including gold, ionomers, composites, porcelain veneers and amalgams, - results complimented surface microhardness evaluations. Portion of results published in abstracts at IADR/AADR meetings; CLSM micro-Raman pilot validation of bleach passivity to enamel and dentin mineral under conditions of bleaching - mineral components relatively unaffected by bleach activity – a key research finding to support bleach passivity to altering structure or function of the dentition - a major hurdle to product registration approaches - results recently published at IADR meeting in San Diego; Successful pilot application of air - examined CLSM on specimens for surface ultrastructure changes associated with erosion and dentin acid solubilization studies (for non flat specimens involves taking advantage of overlay sequence capability in CLSM instrumentation) - these results supporting mechanism of efficacy of stannous based Athena (Tin-polyphosphate); Pilot ESCA determinations showing depth of stannous penetration into apatite lattice and codeposition of stannous polyphosphate onto mineral surfaces; Confirmatory ADA protocol study evaluations including CLSM, SEM on bleach samples including enamel and dentin as well as restorative materials - these including evaluations of topical effects of 6 % and 6.5 % hydrogen peroxide applied bleaches as well as more recent investigations into effects produced by 12 and 16 % topical hydrogen peroxide applications; Physical – chemical support analysis for topical effect studies of polyphosphate product forms (chewing gum released HMP) on enamel and dentin surfaces - results to be prepared for publication support of chewing gum forms of Crest Dual Action Whitening calendar year 2002.

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