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Institute for Web Science and Technologies

FB 4: Informatik / Universität Koblenz

Universitatsstrasse 1, 56070 Koblenz
  • 0261/287-2712
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  25

Maedche, Alexander; Staab, Steffen

Discovering Conceptual Relations from Text.

ECAI. 2000 S. 321 - 325

Sure, York; Maedche, Alexander; Staab, Steffen

Leveraging Corporate Skill Knowledge - From ProPer to OntoProPer.

PAKM. 2000

Maedche, Alexander; Staab, Steffen

Mining Ontologies from Text.

EKAW. 2000 S. 189 - 202

Maedche, Alexander; Staab, Steffen

Ontology Learning from Text.

NLDB. 2000 S. 364

Staab, Steffen; Angele, Jürgen; Decker, Stefan et al.

Semantic community Web portals.

Computer Networks. Bd. 33. H. 1-6. 2000 S. 473 - 491

Staab, Steffen; Schnurr, Hans-Peter

Smart task support through proactive access to organizational memory.

Knowl.-Based Syst. Bd. 13. H. 5. 2000 S. 251 - 260

Tsui, Eric; J. Garner, Brian; Staab, Steffen

The role of artificial intelligence in knowledge management.

Knowl.-Based Syst. Bd. 13. H. 5. 2000 S. 235 - 239

Angele, Jürgen; Schnurr, Hans-Peter; Staab, Steffen et al.

The Times They Are A-Changin' - The Corporate History Analyzer .

PAKM. 2000

Staab, Steffen; Braun, Christian; Bruder, Ilvio et al.

A System for Facilitating and Engancing Web Search.

IWANN (2). 1999 S. 706 - 714

Barnekow, Thomas; Staab, Steffen; Ziegler, Jürgen et al.

An architecture for recovering business events bottom-up.

HCI (2). 1999 S. 614 - 618

Staab, Steffen; Braun, Christian; Bruder, Ilvio et al.

GETESS - Searching the Web Exploiting German Texts.

CIA. 1999 S. 113 - 124

Fensel, Dieter; Angele, Jürgen; Decker, Stefan et al.

On2broker: Semantic-Based Access to Information Sources at the WWW.

Intelligent Information Integration. 1999

Fensel, Dieter; Angele, Jürgen; Decker, Stefan et al.

On2broker: Semantic-based access to information sources at the WWW.

WebNet. 1999 S. 366 - 371

Staab, Steffen; Hahn, Udo

Scalable Temporal Reasoning.

IJCAI. 1999 S. 1247 - 1252

Staab, Steffen; Hahn, Udo

Distance Constraint Arrays: A Model for Reasoning on Intervals with Qualitative and Quantitative Distances.

Canadian Conference on AI. 1998 S. 334 - 348

Staab, Steffen

On Non-Binary Temporal Relations.

ECAI. 1998 S. 567 - 571

Staab, Steffen; Hahn, Udo

"Tall", "Good", "High" - Compared to What?

IJCAI (2). 1997 S. 996 - 1001

Staab, Steffen; Hahn, Udo

Comparatives in Context.

AAAI/IAAI. 1997 S. 616 - 621

Staab, Steffen

Conceptualizing Adjectives.

KI. 1997 S. 267 - 278

Staab, Steffen

GLR-Parsing of Word Lattices Using a Beam Search Method

CoRR. Bd. abs/cmp-lg/9506020. 1995

Bartliff, Zoe; Kim, Yunhyong; Hopfgartner, Frank

A survey on email visualisation research to address the conflict between privacy and access