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Experimental study of the interaction of the atmosphere with polynyas/sea ice near Greenland (IKAPOS)

Laufzeit: 01.01.2010 - 30.06.2014

Förderkennzeichen: He 2740/9

Förderung durch: DFG



Processes of the exchange of energy and momentum at the sea-ice/ocean/atmosphere interface are key processes for the polar climate system. The project aims at the study of the atmospheric processes forcing and maintaining polynyas in the Greenland area. The study will focus on the katabatic wind system in the coastal area of north and northwest Greenland, and on the atmosphere/sea-ice/ocean exchange processes over the North Water Polynya (NOW). The data set originates from the experimental...Processes of the exchange of energy and momentum at the sea-ice/ocean/atmosphere interface are key processes for the polar climate system. The project aims at the study of the atmospheric processes forcing and maintaining polynyas in the Greenland area. The study will focus on the katabatic wind system in the coastal area of north and northwest Greenland, and on the atmosphere/sea-ice/ocean exchange processes over the North Water Polynya (NOW). The data set originates from the experimental study IKAPOS in June 2010 using the polar aircraft of the AlfredWegener Institute (AWI). The data of the experiment is used to get an improved understanding of boundary layer structures of summertime arctic polynyas and the katabatic wind system. The results will be used for the verification of model simulations and parameterizations.» weiterlesen» einklappen

  • Meteorology field experiment


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