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Kim, Sabine

"For the Birds: Poetry, Bird-Watching and Ethical Attentiveness"

Zhao, Baisheng; Hornung, Alfred (Hrsg). Ecology and Life Writing. 1. Aufl. Heidelberg: Winter 2013 S. 257 - 268

Kim, Sabine

Intermedial Arts: Disrupting, Remembering and Transforming Media

Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars 2012 225 S.

Kim, Sabine

Romantic Intermediality

Romantik: Journal for the Study of Romanticisms. Bd. 1. H. 1. Copenhagen, Denmark: Aarhus University Press 2012 S. 174 - 178

Kim, Sabine

Sonic Events, Media Archives, Poetic Transfers: Emily Dickinson and the Phonograph

Louvel, Liliane (Hrsg). Intermedial Arts: Disrupting, Remembering and Transforming Media. 1. Aufl. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2012 S. 173 - 189

Kim, Sabine

Subjekte des Hörens, Subjekt der Geschichte : Kanada und die Audiowalks von Cardiff/Miller

Kreuder, Friedemann (Hrsg). Theater und Subjektkonstitution : theatrale Praktiken zwischen Affirmation und Subversion. Bielefeld: transcript 2012 S. 383 - 392

Kim, Sabine

Voices and Inscriptions: Making Sense(s) in Autobiography

Huisman, Marijke; Ribberink, Anneke; Soeting, Monica; Hornung, Alfred (Hrsg). Life writing matters in Europe. Heidelberg: Winter 2012 S. 103 - 118

Kim, Sabine

Transing the nation : Fred Wah´s re-reading of ethnicity

Ernst, Jutta (Hrsg). The Canadian mosaic in the age of transnationalism. Heidelberg: Winter 2010 S. 151 - 167