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Gesundheitskommunikation durch Geschichten

Laufzeit: ab 01.05.2014

Partner: Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands University of Antwerpen, Belgium University of Augsburg, Germany University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia

Förderkennzeichen: PIRSES-GA-2013-612675

Förderung durch: EU-IRSES. Projektmittel 98.700€, davon 12.600€ für die Uni Koblenz-Landau

Projektmittel (€): 12600



Narratives play an increasingly important role in (online) communication about health issues. News reporters not only report the cold facts about an upcoming epidemic, but also increasingly employ techniques that are used in novels and movies; serious games use interactive storytelling techniques to improve the health of children; health campaigns use celebrities and role models in order to convince a target audience to adopt healthy habits. In spite of their increasing use, relatively little...Narratives play an increasingly important role in (online) communication about health issues. News reporters not only report the cold facts about an upcoming epidemic, but also increasingly employ techniques that are used in novels and movies; serious games use interactive storytelling techniques to improve the health of children; health campaigns use celebrities and role models in order to convince a target audience to adopt healthy habits. In spite of their increasing use, relatively little is known about the effects of narratives in a health communication context, as expertise on narratives is scattered across different disciplines.The objective of the HealthNar program is

to strengthen and consolidate the emerging field of narrative health communication and
to establish a flourishing and solid multidisciplinary research exchange network on narratives and health. The program does so by bringing together renowned international scholars from health psychology, media psychology, health communication, arts, and interactive communication.

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