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Mechanisms of open-label placebos

Partner: Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief (University of Marburg)

Förderung durch: University of Marburg Research Funds



Until recently, it was thought that patients had to believe that placebos contained active medication in order to elicit a placebo response. However, recent studies have questioned this assumption by showing that placebos are still effective when being administered to patients with full transparency and disclosure (so-called ‘open-label placebos’, OLPs). In this project, we are investigating the underlying mechanisms of OLPs. In particular, we are examining expectancies, hopes, learning...

Until recently, it was thought that patients had to believe that placebos contained active medication in order to elicit a placebo response. However, recent studies have questioned this assumption by showing that placebos are still effective when being administered to patients with full transparency and disclosure (so-called ‘open-label placebos’, OLPs). In this project, we are investigating the underlying mechanisms of OLPs. In particular, we are examining expectancies, hopes, learning experiences, and patient-physician-communication as possible mechanisms. For this purpose, we are focusing on experimentally induced pain and sadness. Prospectively, we aim to examine mechanisms of OLPs in clinical samples, such as individuals with chronic pain and major depression.
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