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Tumorspezifische Immunisierung durch transkutane Impfung: Präklinische und klinische Entwicklung von Arzneiformen zur adjuvanten Therapie des Mantelzell-Karzinoms (SFB 1066/3, TP B18)

Laufzeit: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025


Aim of TP B18N is the pharmaceutical, preclinical and clinical development of a novel nanoparticular vaccination platform for the treatment of patients with polyoma virus associated merkel cell carcinoma (PyV-MCC). Firstly, we will establish a suitable application format for our patented transcutaneous immunization method to test tolerability and efficacy in a polyoma virus induced tumor model and analyze the modes of action. Beyond this, the formal prerequisites for conduction of a clinical...Aim of TP B18N  is the pharmaceutical, preclinical and clinical development of a novel nanoparticular vaccination platform for the treatment of patients with polyoma virus associated merkel cell carcinoma (PyV-MCC). Firstly, we will establish a suitable application format for our patented transcutaneous immunization method to test tolerability and efficacy in a polyoma virus induced tumor model and analyze the modes of action. Beyond this, the formal prerequisites for conduction of a clinical study in PyV-MCC patients will be installed.» weiterlesen» einklappen

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