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Laufzeit: 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020


Prospective evaluation of fresh serum samples from patients with confirmed endocrine autoimmunties, as well as retrospective measurement of frozen serum samples.  Subsequent to the clinical investigation of the endocrine outpatients with various thyroid disorders including patient history, complete check-up of the thyroid-related hormones and autoantibodies, Vitamin D will be measured in all collected samples within six hours with the Sofia Test and compared to an automated device. A...Prospective evaluation of fresh serum samples from patients with confirmed endocrine autoimmunties, as well as retrospective measurement of frozen serum samples.  Subsequent to the clinical investigation of the endocrine outpatients with various thyroid disorders including patient history, complete check-up of the thyroid-related hormones and autoantibodies, Vitamin D will be measured in all collected samples within six hours with the Sofia Test and compared to an automated device. A small volume of two milliliters only of serum per patient is required. Written informed consent will be obtained from all patients prior to blood sampling.
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