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Prof. Fabian Kennel

Maschinenbau, Hochschule Trier


Kennel, Fabian

Beitrag zu iterativ lernenden modellprädiktiven Regelungen

Berlin: Logos 2017 186 S.

Kennel, Fabian; Liu, Steven

Process time optimization in reduced order ILC

Conference on Control Applications (CCA). Bd. 1. IEEE 2016 S. 1464 - 1469

Kennel, Fabian; Morgenstern, Dimitri; Liu, Steven

A comparison of different control methods for injection valves

International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). Bd. 1. IEEE 2015 S. 22 - 27

Kennel, Fabian; Liu, Steven

Iterative Learning Control for Periodic Systems using Model Predictive Methods with adaptive sampling rates

IFAC Proceedings Volumes. Bd. 47. H. 3. Elsevier 2014 S. 158 - 163

Kennel, Fabian; Gorges, Daniel; Liu, Steven

Energy Management for Smart Grids With Electric Vehicles Based on Hierarchical MPC

Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Bd. 9. H. 3. IEEE 2013 S. 1528 - 1537